A year….365 days of getting to know the “man in the hat,” JAVI from social media, Javi the celebrity, the singer/songwriter, entertainer, the man who tried to embrace the world, but most importantly his partner, his soulmate, his Javi Ramos Ruiz, his Javito. A celebration was in order, a party for two! Each had their own clever ideas, but one evening as they were falling asleep, murmuring drowsy suggestions, Kurt spooning Javi’s pleasantly warm body, he’d whispered, “I want to talk with you about something very important.” At last! Perhaps he was going to reveal what had been on his mind now for the past couple months. Javi sighed already half asleep, “Mmmmmhmmmm…you make the plans.” And soon their bodies relinquished themselves to their dreams.
Later in the week they were going to get together with Adam and Ethan to celebrate their joint anniversaries. Kurt had invited Adam over for a dip in the pool one typical California summer evening. Ethan was attending a business dinner and Javi was arranging a benefit performance with one of the club owners, so they’d gotten together for a little best friend time. Adam took a sip of his frosty cold beer, sinking into the patio chair and glancing over at Kurt, “Leaving New York and moving here is one of the smartest ah-ha moments I’ve ever had! Aren’t you glad I convinced you to come with me?” Kurt’s head tilted upward taking in the cloudless San Diego sky, “I have to apologize for making it so difficult. I was just stuck, ya know? I was so terrified of change after all that happened. I mean what can be a bigger change than escaping the frozen Midwest, moving to the other side of the continent and landing in sunny California!” They both laughed neither ever ceasing to marvel at outside of the whole Blaine/Barry episode, the main reason they’d chosen California was to escape winter. Kurt said, “Yeah, who knew how psychologically scarred we’d been by a season, a simple weather pattern?”
Adam shook his head with a smirk on his freckled face. “And talk about looking for love in all the wrong places!” Adam still found it amazing that somehow they’d both found real love in a night out at a neighborhood gay bar. What had started as a probable hookup for Adam had turned into a relationship as good as he’d had with Barry at their best and maybe even better. And although he still didn’t understand how Javi and Kurt’s relationship operated, it was obvious to all that they belonged together.
“So, what are your plans?” Adam asked offhandedly expecting something like going out to dinner, a night in a fancy hotel, maybe even a special trip somewhere. Those were the ideas roaming around in his own head. “Well…..” Kurt said, unable to hide a wicked smile, “I’m going to try to recreate a magical night based on a song and a memory from this year….with….oh….some new tricks? if you get my meaning.” Wow! Adam thought. He’d noticed that slowly Kurt had been changing from the sometimes uptight New York Kurt into…..what? He seemed freer somehow. Not long ago if Adam had asked the same question he’d have gotten an arched eyebrow and a rather stern, “None of your business!”
Adam hesitated, “Kurt, can I, um, ask you something? You don’t have to answer….but you’ve changed. Ever since you met Javi….I don’t know how to say it. I mean it’s not just you, there’s something that you two have….geez, how do I put this? I guess what I really want is….that whatever it is you guys have for me and Ethan. I mean we’re not having problems or anything, it’s just that ya’ll (the Texas upbringing volunteering its own speech pattern) almost seem to be more in love…and lust if I’m being blunt…than you were when you first met. I still remember when you told me you weren’t sleeping together…and you maintained that stance for quite a while…but….you certainly never acted like you weren’t. Whenever I’ve been around you, you obviously have eyes only for each other. And….the old Kurt would never have found so much PDA acceptable. You guys always seem to be touching…..even when your not. God! This sounds crazy!”
Kurt chuckled at his friend’s obvious confusion. “Let me help you out because I understand what you’re saying even if you don’t. I’ve lived what you’re describing for almost a year now. Adam, there’s something I need to talk to Javi about…a big something and it relates to what you’re talking about. Once I tell him, I promise I’ll tell you the whole story from beginning to end because what you’re talking about is possible…for you and Ethan I mean. I want to tell someone so bad I’m almost bursting! I hope to tell Javi on the night we celebrate our first anniversary. I didn’t want to just sit down and have a discussion, like we were talking about the budget; I wanted it to be special. The seed for all of this was planted the night of our first fight! I know….that REALLY sounds crazy, but our first fight….” Kurt leaned in towards Adam, as if the neighbors might hear from behind the wall that surrounded the yard, and whispered, “the makeup sex was so hot it was almost worth fighting just to do it again! I even wrote a song about it!” “You wrote a song about…..makeup sex???? And you’re going to plan something “magical,” Adam put in air quotes, “around the night of your first argument…..really???”Adam leaned back into the chair, his eyes wide, wondering when Kurt had been taken over by an alien. He couldn’t remember Kurt ever, ever, ever being so verbal about his sex life with him or anyone! And he was Kurt’s best friend. He wasn’t even sure if he’d ever heard Kurt talk about sex at all! It wasn’t that he was a prude. It just wasn’t a topic up for discussion with him….well, until now. He would talk all day about his feelings, but to volunteer what he’d just….well….” “Kurt, please don’t take this the wrong way, but what the fuck has gotten into you?” “What’s gotten into me is…..Javi…and passion….my destiny! Adam, I’ve finally figured out what I was put on this earth to do.” Adam almost said, “I think you need to start counseling again…or maybe all this talk about destiny and passion is from seeing a counselor too much?” But he held his tongue.
Instead, he extracted the piece of conversation about him and Ethan, not to change the subject, but because he was obviously curious. “Okay, Kurt, how are you going to improve my sex life? Well, me and Ethan’s.” Kurt laughed again, “It’s not just about sex, Adam. It’s about really knowing and loving someone. It’s about respect. It’s…” “Kurt, you’re starting to sound like the latest self-help book. What? Your counselor has convinced you that you’d make a good counselor, too?”
“Adam, I really do want to tell you everything, but I can’t until I talk to Javi.” “Okay, alright, well then are you going somewhere for a weekend or..” “No, San Diego and our bedroom….or any room…it’s not like we haven’t….” Kurt stopped realizing what he was about to say, “Adam, this city, our house….it’s where everything changed! You’re right, I’m not the person I was a year ago or even six months ago. And neither are you, if you really think about it….and you should.”
Now, that did kind of sound like the old Kurt, but without the bite that the words might have had not long ago. It wasn’t a criticism. It was just some friendly advice. “So, maybe once you can tell me what this is all about you can tell me how to do that, too,” Adam chuckled. “Adam, you’re my best friend and you don’t know how much I rreeeaaallllyy want to share this with you. I can hardly wait! And I promise I will…after Javi, you’ll be the first to know.”
Javi was trying and failing at getting comfortable in the stiff-backed office chair as Bill, his manager, and Warren, his press agent babbled in the background about new songs, wardrobes, another tour next year…But Javi’s head not only wasn’t in their game, it wasn’t even in the ballpark. Yeah, it was also his game, of course; after all, he would be the one in the forefront, but….. All he could think about was Kurt. Kurt the man who’d sent a lightning strike into the very center of his life one year ago, hace un ano…Kurt with his kaleidoscope eyes and his willing heart, body and soul, Kurt the student, the fashionista, Kurt the man of a million talents, but most of all Kurt, his lover and soulmate, Kurtito who wrapped every second of Javi’s life like a present waiting to be opened and enjoyed with every new day.
Tonight they were celebrating their first anniversary. It had been a ridiculously busy week for both of them. The boutique had sent Kurt on a short buying trip. This had been happening more and more often. He hadn’t officially been promoted, but they recognized Kurt’s eye for fashion. Kurt had left with his overnight bag on Wednesday and Javi had been in LA for the last day and a half strategizing, although at the moment he wasn’t doing a very good job of it. He’d barely seen Kurt since Tuesday. They were actually celebrating one day before their official anniversary. They wanted it to be on a weekend when they’d have plenty of time. In general, weekends were still a work-free zone for them, especially when Javi wasn’t touring, and both were grateful for them.
Kurt not only had the plans well in hand, but he wanted to have a conversation with Javi about something….and he could hardly wait for both! It momentarily took him back to the last few years with Antonio. Sometimes it seemed nearly impossible to maintain anything close to the initial year or so of their relationship when love and lust still walked closely hand in hand, but they had managed it most of the time. Yes, it took effort…and more than it had in the beginning, but that was exactly the premise their love had been based on. Just like anything of value it required work. After a while it became almost second nature for one or the other to take the lead when they’d notice that their partner was in a place where he was running on empty. And when both of them were out of gas….he could still remember how they’d simply sit in the quiet holding hands or listening to music, but always touching. Physical contact had been extremely important to their relationship. It didn’t have to be sex. Sometimes it was as simple as maintaining eye contact, especially when touching each other would have raised questions.
Javi’s mind was jolted back into the present when Bill asked, “Can you be back here on Monday morning? I promise it’ll be brief.” Javi nodded in agreement, anything to get on the road to San Diego. Finally! Javi checked his phone; it was almost 6, later than he would have liked, but he’d still make it home by 8. He quickly texted Kurt to tell him of the slight delay, waiting a few minutes for a reply, but didn’t get one. Oh, well, he’d try again once he was on his way.
Javi laid his head back on the head rest and rolled his eyes. Damn LA traffic! He should have flown! He texted Kurt again as he waited behind miles of cars, then put his phone away hoping forward momentum would pick up soon. Thank God he didn’t live here anymore! It was always a hassle, but there must have been an accident or something. LA itself always seemed to be an accident just waiting to happen. But, they did have all weekend and Kurt would know something was up if Javi was really late. Hopefully, “the plan” could be postponed until tomorrow. And he knew sometimes when Kurt was needing to concentrate on whatever he might be doing he’d turn his phone off. Not usually for this long, but everything would turn out okay one way or another. No point in getting all flustered over nothing. But even now, every time his mind would allow him to think that way, he would remember Tonio. Okay wasn’t always the outcome. He very purposefully pushed the thought away, turned up the reggae music, tapping on the steering wheel and trying not to focus on the slow crawl, speeding up by what seemed like 10ths of degrees.
When the time had edged toward 10 and he still hadn’t heard from Kurt, he thought about texting Adam. But being that it was almost their first anniversary weekend, too, he didn’t want to disturb them. He didn’t know what they were doing exactly but Kurt had mentioned that they might go out of town and if that were so chances were good they’d left today. He’d be home in half an hour and if something else held him up any longer he’d text Karen and ask her to check on Kurt. He knew he was hypersensitive when it came to Kurt’s safety…and he had come by it honestly, but that didn’t mean he thought it was a good idea to let the world know what a helicopter partner he could sometimes be.
He pulled into the roomy garage at about 10:15 and sighed, shutting his eyes for a minute just glad to be home. He grabbed his leather satchel, shut the garage door and opened the door that led into the foyer from the garage. Hmmmm….it was pitch black except for a single light glowing in the kitchen. Wow! He hoped Kurt wasn’t sick or something! Being in bed at 10:15 was unheard of! He started to call out his name, but then thought better of it. If he wasn’t well and was sleeping, he didn’t want to wake him up. No note on the table either. Surely he wasn’t out? Had Javi gotten the wires crossed on the timing of their celebration?
He tiptoed back to the bedroom, opening the door quietly fully expecting to find Kurt in bed. But the room was exactly as he’d left it, the bed made, everything in order. What was going on? He went out into the hallway again. A Do Not Disturb sign dangled from the doorknob of what used to be Kurt’s bedroom. Why was he sleeping in his old bedroom? Sure, he’d converted it into his own space for when he wanted to be alone, but he’d never used any of the Do Not Disturb signs they’d collected from the many hotels they stayed in when they traveled. Maybe he really was sick and was worried about Javi catching whatever he had.
He hesitated for a minute, about to open the door anyway and then thought better of it. He’d let him sleep a while longer and take a shower first. He needed to wash away the tension that LA manufactured without even trying. He promptly stripped off his clothes and stepped into the soft spray of warm water covering him in a waterfall of total revitalization! Poor Kurt. He’d been so eager to commemorate their first year and now it would likely have to be postponed, maybe even into the days after their anniversary. Well, he’d just have to pamper him. He suddenly realized that in the entire time they’d been together, neither of them had been sick, at least not the kind of sick that made you go to bed early and put a sign on the door. Yes, he’d take care of him this weekend. Their celebration could wait.
He stepped out of the steamy shower, grabbing one of his favorite fluffy bath sheets, remembering all the times before he and Kurt had finally shared a bedroom. All the times he had to make sure he had shorts or sweats on…and if Kurt was really sick it wouldn’t do to walk in on him naked. It just didn’t feel like the right way to approach him. So he searched for his favorite pair of shorts, loose enough to reveal his pelvic tattoo, but tight enough to stay up. After all, he hadn’t gotten that tattoo to hide it away!
He padded into the hallway and turned the doorknob slowly, the sign fluttering to the carpet. He wouldn’t wake him up; he’d just check to be sure he was okay. “Well, it’s about time! Where have you been??? I’ve been laying in here like this for hours, Javi! I think my arm is numb and I can’t see a thing!” Javi stopped dead in his tracks….my God! He rushed over to Kurt who was lying half prone on the bed, one wrist attached to the bed post with one of their red-velvet-covered handcuffs….and he was blindfolded….both ankles bound to the foot of the bed. Although the blackout curtains weren’t completely closed, still he could barely see Kurt until he was almost to the bed.”
Kurt…..Dios mi…what happened? How did you end up….??” “Javi, shut up and free me! An explanation can wait, don’t you think? If you would have been here when you were supposed to be none of this would have happened!” Javi turned the dimmer switch up so he could halfway see what he was doing. He reached for the blindfold until Kurt said, “No! My arm first! It’s killing me!” Javi quickly removed the single handcuff, then scooted around to the foot of the bed unleashing the restraints from his ankles. Rushing to Kurt’s side, he undid the blindfold. Kurt’s whole body was trembling! Roughly, he pulled Javi to him, “Where have you been? Ohmigod…I was so scared!” he whimpered as he drew Javi’s body to the bed beside him. An explanation could wait. Kurt was obviously distressed and needed comforting, not questions, not now. He was almost gasping, squeezing Javi more tightly, almost sobbing about how frightened he’d been and how glad he was that Javi was finally by his side. After a while he started to relax but he still held Javi as if he were a sinking ship and Javi was the only life raft.
Javi spread his hands wide circling his back, comforting him, hoping for an answer. It would appear that his hypersensitive self had been on target this time and he didn’t like it one bit. If Kurt had been scared, the feeling of Javi’s heart almost dropping to the floor when he’d seen him on the bed like that…. “Kurt….oh mi Kurtito…..shhhh…..” he repeated over and over as if singing a lullaby, and then completely without warning, Kurt’s already strong grip flipped Javi onto his back, sitting on his belly and holding the hands – that only seconds ago had been soothing him – down to the bed. Javi was startled and it took a few seconds to realize what had just happened. But when he did, he looked up into Kurt’s dancing devilish eyes; he could see the delightfully dirty thoughts behind them, “Oh, mi pooor Javi, let me show you how this happened,” he laughed and began attaching one of the soft handcuffs around Javi’s wrist and then to the sturdy bedpost. Its match was laying on the nearby nightstand. He grabbed it and swiftly fastened it to Javi’s other wrist and then to a hook that had been placed on the headboard for this very purpose. Reaching under Javi’s head, he plumped the two pillows underneath.
“Kurt! What are you doing? This is NOT funny! Do you know how…..” “Oh, shush! Quit flapping your feathers like a flustered rooster. Isn’t it pretty obvious what I’m doing? You asked how it happened and I’m just giving you…well, a visual demonstration rather than a verbal one. Soon, my….verbal….skills will be otherwise occupied shall we say? Or impeded….?” He raised his eyebrows and giggled. He crawled to the foot of the bed, affixing Javi’s ankles in the same manner as his wrists to the footboard doublechecking their security. And then he surveyed his handiwork. “Yummmmmm…..don’t you look scrumptious mi Javito……just like a mouthwatering slice of….what was it you used to describe us once?…..oh yes…..spice cake….and if you’re a particularly good boy I might even let you lick the tasty white frosting….that would be me, bebe….oh and those toes….” Kurt pinched one on each foot…..”maybe I’ll nibble on them….later….,” he drawled as he crept up and over Javi’s restrained and almost naked body. Those shorts hid nothing and as Kurt journeyed up and over Javi’s body, he smiled and patted the hard-on forming despite Javi’s indignant response, “Oh yes……just scrumptious, Javito…..”
His icy blue eyes reflected against Javi’s snapping brown ones, still with a hint of surprise and irritation in them. “Oh mi Javito has it really been a year since I first drowned in the pools of your deep brown eyes…..oh come on you know you’re going to love this so quit looking at me like that….and as I was saying….. a year….since your Sauvage beckoned me to turn around….since my heart almost stopped trying to resist the urge to kiss you? Right there at The Rafters for all the world to see….that’s all I wanted to do…..well, not all….I wanted to reach over and run my fingers through these thick and shiny curls,” he whispered, demonstrating with one set of fingers, “and when we finally parted the next morning? Every time I tried to close my eyes if only for a few minutes’ sleep, my imagination wouldn’t allow it….there we were kissing…..it was like you were right there in bed with me…and in what passed for my dreams that next day? You kissed every inch of my body…..you touched me over and over….and then we were tasting each other….and I was tossing and turning….it was like your full lips and exploring tongue were so hungry. Mi carino….if I had known what the year ahead would bring….I would have run so far and so fast…” Kurt smiled and slowly watched Javi’s eyes soften and then turn to ink, “but that Kurt was still so wounded. He was afraid the world and everyone in it that he might trust would turn on him eventually, too risky. But somehow you drew me in, you found a way to hold me captive….and not just with your beautiful body and sensuality, but the way you thought….the way you felt everything so deeply…..you held me with your undivided attention. But bebe I’m not that Kurt anymore. I’m this Kurt….”
He lowered his lips taking one of Javi’s earlobes into his mouth, playing it across his tongue and between his teeth, making sure Javi was feeling and hearing his warm breathing. He was in no hurry. He wanted to take Javi in with all of his senses, the way they’d done since the beginning. He licked the warmth of Javi’s freshly showered skin, tasting a hint of Sauvage and a hint of Javier Ramos Ruiz. He listened for the purr of Javi’s breath and sensed the way his body was relaxing into the softness of the bed beneath them. He ran his fingers over his face as he’d done countless times, this time noticing the feathery eyelashes, kissing each shuttered eyelid. “Mi Javito….I’ve learned so much from you….with you….I’ve learned to watch and listen….and consider all kinds of things…..I can be the sweet and sexy Kurt like this,” he said as he again ran his warm, moist lips from behind his ear and down one side of Javi’s neck, ” or I can be the Kurt you saw when you entered this room,” he softly chuckled, “Because you take me for who I am I can be all kinds of Kurts around you….and just for you, just you, only you….I’ve brought back one of your favorite Kurts…..hmmmmm……maybe your memory has misplaced him….so ..if I may refresh your memory….” Kurt took Javi’s face in his hands, “let’s see…how about if I take you by the tongue……would you like that?……I’ll demonstrate first just to be sure, si?……shhhhh your eyes say si……it goes like this…..just…..like….this…..” Kurt held Javi’s sculpted cheekbones in a firm grip, attacking his lips as if they were his first meal in days, licking them and then biting his lower lip and opening Javi’s already eager mouth, first using his tongue to tantalize and tease the sensitive roof of his mouth, then sensually inviting Javi’s tongue to come out to play. Languidly, he circled Javi’s tongue with his own, tickling the underside with the very tip, until Kurt heard more than felt the pressure of Javi’s lips pleading with him to take his tongue between his lips, wanting that sensation….as if Kurt were sucking his hard cock…and Kurt obliged, taking his time…..starting lightly, increasing it to a little faster, a little tighter….wallowing in Javi’s soft moans and deep sighs…..” now do you remember how it goes?….” Kurt let go and slipped off the end of the bed, leaving Javi wanting…..
Let all the heat pour down, I’m good as long as he’s around
He let’s me wear the crown, I do my best to make him proud
Now all my super ladies I got my baby, if you got your baby, baby
Move your body, move your body, Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body, Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
Move your body, move your body, Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body, Dance for your papi,
My rock is shining bright, Even if he ain’t by my side
He makes sure that I glow,I make sure everybody knows
Now all my super ladies, I got my baby, if you got your baby, baby
Move your body, move your body, Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body, Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
Move your body, move your body, Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body, Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
Step up, step up, Let your hair down
Pop, drop, and lock, It go all out
If If he rocks, Tear up the crowd
Dance for your papi
Llégale, llégaleSuéltate el pelo
Levántate, cae y asegúralo
ve con todo, Si él es lo máximo
Azota baldosa, Baila para tu papi
Now all my super ladies
I got my baby, if you got your baby, baby
Move your body, move your body, Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body, Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
Move your body, move your body, Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body, Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air, dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air, air, air, ohohohohoh
Javi opened his kiss-drunk eyes….observing what Kurt was wearing. His muscular, shapely legs were clothed in a pair of skin tight black ripped jeans with the waist button undone. His shirt was also black and sleeveless, unbuttoned almost to his navel and hugging his torso. His earrings sparkled in the faint light. He also noticed that his hair fell in waves over his forehead, like the bad boy he was portraying. He was at his sexy best for sure.
And then the music and lyrics to Papi by J Lo were surrounding them….the hot and heavy beat of the first 30 seconds, Kurt was tapping one foot, then spinning once and arriving at the beat that would accommodate those gyrating hips, staring Javi down, dancing to the song as if he’d been doing it all his life. Javi was stunned. He’d watched her dance this live in Buenos Aires. It took more than just knowing the moves, it took a lot of stamina. Not that Kurt wasn’t fit enough to do it, but he was close to flawless in his execution, using those hips that just wouldn’t quit to his best advantage. No, he wasn’t J Lo….but then why would he want him to be?
And he’d chosen this song not only for the beat and the heat, but papi was Spanish….the definitions were varied and dependent on who you were talking about, but in this case? Putting papi together with the rest of the lyrics? Kurt was saying “you’re THE man…. the man in charge” paired with something like “you’re MY hot man!” No matter the political correctness…for any man it was a huge turn-on to be told you were their papi wrapped in the context of this song. But what had Kurt meant about bringing back this Kurt? God! Who cared! This version of Kurt was tooooo hot to handle, but handle him he would….well, once he was released from his bonds!
As he continued to sing and dance, he swiveled towards Javi as the song approached the end. Delighting in the fact that as much as he knew Javi wanted to he couldn’t touch the intoxicating twitch of his hips, he couldn’t unzip the jeans or unbutton the rest of the shirt….all he could do was watch. He tumbled to the floor. Javi’s yearning was evident in his eyes. Kurt’s head with its messy ginger hair rested on his arms, looking up at Javi like he was the slice of cake he’d described earlier…..spice…..he could see the tease in his eyes as he deliberately wet his index finger, using the tip to capture a bead of sweat on his cheek, skating the finger over Javi’s lips, slipping it into Javi’s mouth, whispering, “Suck it…” Javi steadied his gaze and slowly obliged Kurt, running his tongue over the length of the finger and sucking on it as Kurt withdrew it. Kurt moved the finger to his own lips, gliding it over the sensitive skin…..licking the finger, breathing a little harder allowing a low moan to escape his lips, never once allowing Javi’s eyes outside of his smoldering orbit. Finally, he slipped it into his mouth and sucked it just as Javi had. Javi fixed his black-eyed gaze on Kurt, determined to let this scenario unwind in degrees….just as he was sure Kurt intended. But it would take every ounce of determination and control he possessed; just looking at Kurt right now was like observing a dormant fire waiting to ignite at any moment…and that’s exactly what it felt like, too…..”So, mi papi, te gustó el baile de tu bebé? (did you like your baby’s dance?).” Javi never shifted his gaze, but just nodded slowly, licking his lips again and biting the lower lip, “Besame….fuerte…(kiss me hard)” Javi whispered very deliberating, more like a demand than a request. Kurt gave him a half-smile, “Hmmmm….so you haven’t had enough……just so happens hard….is…one of my favorite words….” he murmured as he straddled his body once more and lowered his ready lips to Javi’s, but before initiating the kiss, he changed direction, listening to Javi’s impatience….until he began nibbling his neck, his teeth barely nipping the skin, down one side and up the other, until he arrived at Javi’s lips again, “Did you like that, mi Javito….just a little appetizer before…..hard…..I believe you requested hard….like this?” But as Kurt attempted to smother his mouth, prying his lips open with his tongue, he encountered Javi…..his lips firmly shut…yessssss…..Kurt loved this game, “Nooooo, noooo, noooo, mi Javito…now how can I give you what you want when you toy with me….retaliation will get you nowhere. Hmmmm……well it might get you here,” Kurt lightly slipped his fingers over Javi’s hard cock…..and his defenseless balls again and again…but never stroking, amusing himself with Javi’s own game…..”or it might get you here….” Kurt tapped Javi’s fully exposed navel. Wetting one finger, he maneuvered it in and around the sensitive space until he heard Javi’s gasp…..then hovering over his lips again he taunted, “You’re going to let me in aren’t you….aren’t you?” Javi’s eyes were squeezed shut, Kurt’s finger supplying such exquisite pleasure and pain….he nodded. Kurt lowered his lips again, delving into his mouth, pressing his lips firmly on Javi’s. Kurt’s tongue probing….Kurt’s finger tickling then plunging…..Kurt moaned purposefully against Javi’s lips not letting go. Javi’s arms were screaming to take Kurt’s face into his hands…..to roll over on top of him….to devour him with his mouth, but he settled for involuntarily begging Kurt to stop….and then for more all with a long pleading sigh….as if he could stand much more.
Slowly, Kurt separated his mouth from Javi’s, “Oh, mi Javito….mi papacito (hot and handsome), I do soooo love making you proud”, he sighed, slightly out of breath, “And I hate to leave you like this, but there’s a little more of the Kurt you requested…..leaving you waiting like this? Hmmmmm…..yes I just have to…..but before I do…..” Kurt lowered his swollen lips to Javi’s cinnamon chest, running his tongue back and forth between his nipples, coming just close enough to arouse, but not enough to satisfy…..Javi pressed his lips together, swearing he wouldn’t beg…..”Ohgod….ohgoddddd…..” “Yesssss….you love it…but you want more…..soooo greedy…..” Kurt continued his movement for a few more agonizing seconds as he felt Javi straining against the velvet cuffs, his chest desperately begging, even as he fought to contain his words…..”mi pppppaaaappppiiiii…..” Kurt murmured as he captured one taut nutbrown nipple between his teeth, lightly tonguing the tip, tweaking the other between two fingertips….and Javi’s desire exploded with a groan….”Kurt…..ohmigodKurt….” Kurt leaned up once more to kiss his parted lips and then slid off the bed again.
If I had my way I would take you down,
If I had my way, I would turn you out,
And if my body had a say, I would come again
Scared of what I might say, ’cause I’m at the edge
And our eyes are crossing paths across the room
There’s only one thing left for us to do
You can touch me with slow hands
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat
Dreamland, take me there ’cause I want your sex
If my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
If I had it my way, I would take the lead
And if I had it my way, I would take you deep
If my body had a say, I’d get it off my chest, show you all the red lace underneath this dress
And our eyes are crossing paths across the room
There’s only one thing left for us to do
You can touch me with slow hands
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat
Dreamland, take me there ’cause I want your sex
If my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
My minds is getting in the way
Can’t feel what my body say
I’mma tell you anyway
I’mma tell you anyway
My minds is getting in the way
Can’t feel what my body say
I’mma show you anyway
I’mma show you anyway
There’s only one thing left for us to do
Oh, you can
You can touch me with slow hands
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat
Dreamland, take me there ’cause I want your sex
If my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
You can touch me with slow hands
If my body had a say, I wouldn’t turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
Grabbing the remote, he queued up a different song. Javi closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a long breath, trying to bring his mind in focus again. His nipples were still tingling and wet. If his hands were free he would have been pleasuring himself, all the while waiting for Kurt’s next move. Then, as the beginning of Body Say by Demi Lovato started playing, he turned his attention to what Kurt’s body was saying.
As the erotic words and rhythm made its way around the room like the heady scent of sex, Kurt began to slowly remove each piece of clothing, again his eyes delivering darts directly into Javi’s. As he released the shirt buttons one by one, his fingers crawled over his abs as he slowly separated the shirt, revealing his chest with that little patch of hair that Javi loved. Taking the time to wet a finger and run it through that patch of hair, half-smiling as he stared at Javi. He slid the shirt off one shoulder and then the other tossing it so it landed on Javi’s pelvis. Kurt’s body was becoming shiny with sweat again. And what….? Something sparkling…? Kurt had gotten his nipples pierced! When had that happened? Well, it had been a busy week and they’d been away from each other for a couple of nights….Slowwwwwww…..hands…..Kurt wiggled the fingers of one hand at Javi saying “Come closer…..a bit more….” in sign language, resting his long fingers on the unbuttoned waistband of his jeans, summoning Javi again with his fingers, wetting his lips with his tongue. He unzipped the jeans, allowing the sound of unzzzziiipppiiing to speak for itself. Turning his back to Javi, he eased the jeans over his slender hips….he wore a red lace thong…..Taking his time, he gradually revealed his creamy porcelain-skinned ass, gyyyyrrrrraaaatttttiiiiinnnnnggggg…..Javi bit his slightly sore lower lip, dragging his mind back from the edge once again and watched as Kurt turned around again sliding the jeans to the floor, his bare feet stepping out of them. Slowly sidling towards the bed as the song ended, wearing nothing but the red-hot thong. Javi swore if he didn’t look away soon, he was going to melt into the bed.
Kurt again sat down on the side of the bed, leaning over Javi, softly stroking his cheek, “Oh mi Javito…I do have it my way don’t I?” quietly quoting the song lyrics, “…I mean you’re sort of tied up at the moment….yes mi amor I’ve already taken you down haven’t I? But….I don’t plan to turn you out….more like turn you inside out I think….would you like that?” As he continued to stroke Javi’s cheek he murmured, “I lllloooovee it when our eyes lock, when you refuse to look away……you’re struggling for control……yesss I know that look….the way those eyes turn from the color of desert jasper to onyx and sparkle like fire….and the way your scent becomes….Javier. Ramos. Ruiz….like musk…. when you want me…,” Kurt inhaled, “It drives me crazy, papi…..I know you want me…..and I want you. I can hardly wait to take you to Dreamland, mi papi.”
Kurt paused in his lusty speech to toss the blindfold off to the side, “Mmmmm and we won’t be needing that…..not this time…..this time we don’t have to hide anything from each other…..not this time….” Javi wanted to touch Kurt so much he could barely breathe, but for now he had no choice in the matter and Kurt hadn’t chosen that song without noting the significance of “If I had it my way, I would take the lead.” As Kurt’s lips hovered over his for mere seconds, his mind was too clouded to wonder what he meant by “this time” and “not this time.” All he wanted was Kurt’s mouth on his again…as tender as his lips were, still…..that’s all he wanted….Kurt’s mouth….again. His slow hands touching his already sweaty body.
“Javier. Ramos. Ruiz…” he ran a finger down Javi’s jawline and smiled, “I adore you…..your lips…they’re crying out to be kissed again without you saying a single word…..your luscious body is craving my touch….no one else’s just mine……I want you so much…..soooo much, mi papi, and I’m going to have you……do you want me to have you?” Their eyes were barely an inch away from each other. Kurt’s lips were close enough that he could feel his whispering voice against them. Javi took a ragged breath and licked his full lips saying, “Si…si mi Kurtito hermoso….kiss me….take me……please….” and with that Kurt seized Javi’s moistened lips again, familiar enough to know exactly what would please him, what would send both of them to Dreamland. Kurt moved his thumb to the hollow at the base of Javi’s neck, stroking the pulse of his heart beat, feeling Javi’s breath quickening, the thrumming of moans emanating from his chest. Javi’s head sank deeper into the pillows and he pulled away just long enough to plead, “Kurt….let me touch you…..I need to touch you…..”
Kurt hovered over Javi’s lips again, gazing deeply into his eyes, “Ohhhhh I do hate to see mi papi suffer……your hands…..I’ll release your slow hands…..” Javi silently nodded, words stuck in his throat from desire. Kurt reached for each handcuff, his legs still straddling Javi’s torso, liberating his hands and taking them into his, kissing them….sucking the fingers…. allowing the blood to circulate through them once more.
Javi never took his eyes off of Kurt and when his hands were free, he swallowed hard, his voice croaking, “Come here….” Kurt allowed Javi to pull him down, laying his head against his shoulder and breathing into his neck, tickling his earlobe with the tip of his tongue. Again Javi pressed his eyelids closed for just a moment to regain his focus. His body was clamoring for him to move quickly, so much need and want flowing through every nerve ending, but to make this last he needed to break the momentum, so he settled Kurt’s body against his, preparing his own speech, knowing what he wanted to say but not sure if he could. Clearing his throat, he murmured, “Mi carino…..I…..when we met….if you would have run far and fast, I would have chased you as far as you could go….I was so afraid something would come between us from the very beginning, our age difference, our cultural differences, all that pain that we were carrying around…..not knowing that we’d found the only person who could take it away. I was positive at some point you’d grow tired of…..the path we were taking, even as willing as you were. That my career, the distance, the whole celebrity business would chase you away. But…..you stayed. And when I first laid eyes on you, I was sure that either you were already taken….I mean….I looked at you….it was like…..like…perfection…so beautiful…so sexy…and still to this day you don’t even realize what you have….what everyone else can see but you. There is no way I can tell you all that I feel for you, how much I need you and want you, the million times you invade my thoughts every single day. And then I try to see you from the inside out? There aren’t enough words….there just aren’t,” Javi stopped and turned his head toward Kurt’s, lifting him back up to hover above him once more.
Kurt closed his eyes; he was struggling, too, savoring Javi’s words….literally forcing himself to get back into character. He reached for Javi’s face and silently ran the fingers of both hands through his mass of black curls, kissing him tenderly as Javi wrapped him in his arms, taking the kiss from tender to smoldering to white hot once again. He could feel the heat spread as Javi slowly but firmly sank his fingernails into his back, running his fingers as far as they would go over his tight bare ass, Kurt’s body heaving against Javi’s in rhythm. The sensation of their still clothed cocks rubbing against each other…..Kurt quickly slid to the end of the bed and untied Javi’s ankles. He wanted him so much!
With Javi’s legs free, he pulled Kurt down again, wrapping his muscular legs around his waist, holding him fast, rolling them both onto their sides. With a fierce, yet gentle look, Javi took Kurt’s face into his hands and said, “Let me show you slow hands,” then nipped Kurt’s chin with his teeth, opening his mouth wide, sliding down Kurt’s neck using his tongue to capture the taste of his sweat. As Kurt rolled onto his back, Javi straddled his waist, raising Kurt’s arms so he could run his fingers down his triceps and then over his underarms, slightly tugging the hair, and then whispering his fingers down his sides. As Kurt had done earlier, Javi used his knowledgeable tongue to tease, running it slowly back and forth between his nipples coming just short of touching them, tasting them….and he wasn’t sure about the nipple rings. Tonio had had one and although it had been a gamechanger, it wasn’t in a bad way….so he tested the waters barely licking one with the flat of his tongue. Kurt reached for one of his hands and placed it over the other nipple, indicating it was okay…he wanted it. After some tentative play, watching for Kurt’s reaction, Kurt finally breathed, “Touch them…..godJaviplease…..just….touch them!” Wetting the palm of one hand, he circled one nipple, Kurt’s body fluttering beneath his touch. Javi loved the feel of Kurt’s nipple on his tongue, so stiff….he delighted in tickling it with his tongue until Kurt would let him know with an upthrust of his chest that he wanted more….Kurt’s pleasure was evident when Javi took the brown bud between his teeth and just barely bit down. And there was something so hot about nipple rings, in your mouth….looking at them as they sparkled…..he just never expected it from Kurt. He slid to one side and….again, he opened his mouth wide, his tongue slithering over Kurt’s abs, his fingers caressing one of his sensitive inner thighs feeling Kurt’s legs relax outward under his touch. Kurt had thought of everything right down to the red lace mentioned in the song. Reaching under the foot of the bed, he found the massage oil he kept in a drawer underneath it.
He loved the view from where he was, looking up the length of Kurt’s lean body, taking in his shallow breathing, his messy hair, the shadow of his concave belly….anticipating Javi’s next move. After warming the oil, he rubbed his hands and fingers together, again traversing the length of Kurt’s inner thighs from his knees to where the thong met his legs. Slipping his fingers along each side of Kurt’s hardness, he massaged the soft skin to either side of his distended cock, and just like his nipples exploring, touching, massaging the skin of his pelvis and hips, massaging…except what Kurt was longing for. “Javiiiiiiigodpleasetouchme..take my cock…nowwwww” and Kurt reached down quickly separating the thong from his body ripping one velcroed side, then the other, impatiently pulling the thong away. Again, Javi applied some oil to his hand and his fingers, gently using the pad of one oiled finger to circle his asshole. He felt Kurt’s moan shudder his entire body, wordlessly begging him for more. He moved his other oiled hand over Kurt’s shaft, his hand firmly moving…. up…..then down….and up…. while maintaining his finger action. Watching Kurt press his hands into the bed, trying to control his hips, trying to control everything was so so hot. “Do you know how much I love watching you like this, touching you like this, knowing you’re just waiting for me to do this?” He whispered as he slid his lips over the head of his stiffness. Again, he felt Kurt press his hands into the mattress, spreading his legs as wide as they would go, “Javiiiiiyesohgodyes…..” he whimpered over and over, Javi’s finger, his hand, his mouth driving him beyond crazy….unable to lay still. There was no more holding back….none. His body felt like its very own bolt of lightning as he came…..going limp on the bed, disoriented and completely satisfied.
Javi climbed the length of his limp body, taking him in his arms as Kurt got his breath under control. “Javi,” he sighed, “Javi, Javi, Javi…” He turned his head, kissing him lazily, haphazardly touching his body, not wanting to be separated from him for a second. That had felt soooo amazing…something they hadn’t tried together…and here Kurt was the one who thought he was going to surprise Javi, and he was….as soon as he bones stopped feeling like jelly. He was still reorienting himself. And as Javi lay quietly beside him he continued to run his hands and his fingers over his smooth brown skin, replacing them with his lips softly caressing his body once more, murmuring how much he enjoyed what he was doing, where he was doing it, why he was doing it, finally rolling Javi’s sensitized body on top of him.
Kurt enveloped Javi in his arms, drawing his lips down to his own, drawing Javi’s tongue deep into his mouth, again entwining it with his own, sucking it slowly and sensuously until he felt Javi’s hard-on pressing firmly against his belly, his shorts having been lost long ago in their passion. Using both hands to reach between their bodies, they found Javi’s hardness. “Mi Javio, do you know how much I love stroking you like this? Your body is like…..my favorite playground…..like a teeter totter…..up and down…..up and down….” slowly stroking, he moved Javi’s body upwards for greater access. With one hand he continued the rhythmic, steady stroking, with the other he played with his balls. He rarely called Javi by the more tender nickname of Javio, but Javi’s heart melted whenever he did. “And if I had my way I would take you deep….” Kurt whispered, sliding his body down the bed until he could take Javi’s cock into his mouth. Javi moaned, wanting this so much, but….”Kurt…..ohgodyes…..are…. you….sure….” he closed his eyes tightly, still trying to maintain control. Kurt was soooo good at this….he could deepthroat like no one he’d ever known….but they’d never….not from this angle. The most difficult angle….but also the angle that produced the most pleasure.
Kurt didn’t answer…well he did actually….by plunging his mouth more deeply over Javi’s cock, tonguing the head while continuing to stroke the shaft..combining his hands and his lips…..slow and steady….then faster….and a little bit faster…..taking his cock even deeper….sensing it touching the back of his mouth….and then his throat…..”Kurrttttt…..yessss……all of me…..God take all of me….” and Kurt did….holding Javi in his mouth as he came….taking it one last bit deeper….the vision of Javi hovering over him, so intimately buried inside him, exploding behind his eyelids.
Flat on their backs, quietly staring at the ceiling, fingers entwined, catching their breath…..countless times they’d been in this same position over the past year. It had been a hectic week, not two ships that pass in the night necessarily, but….how had Kurt had the time to plan all of this? Well, Javi thought, he wouldn’t have had to do it all in a single week, he’d had plenty of time. His brain still wasn’t operating on all cylinders. He rolled to his side, snuggling into the curves of Kurt’s body, throwing one arm across his chest, inhaling the headiness of their lovemaking.
“Sometimes I wonder how I’m ever going to keep up with what goes on in that beautiful head of yours, mi amor…and when we come down from the ceiling, you have some explaining to do.” Kurt smiled to himself, “Not really….I mean I don’t HAVE to explain.” Javi snuggled a little closer, one of the handcuffs dangling from his fingers, this time he being the one to arch an eyebrow. “Ohhhh, I think you do! You scared me to death! First, I walk into a dark house, no note, nothing….at 10 o’clock? Then, I open our bedroom door and….no Kurt? Finally, I find a Do Not Disturb sign on your door? What if I hadn’t opened it? You didn’t answer my texts? I thought you were sick at first! And then….THEN I come in here to check on you and you’re cuffed to the bed! You’re a mighty fine actor, right down to your shaking body and your frightened voice! I almost called Karen earlier to check on you! Now wouldn’t that have been a lovely bit of gossip if she’d found you in here?”
Kurt was trying so hard not to laugh, but he couldn’t stop himself, “Oh, Javi the look on your face? I almost couldn’t pull it off! I was sure I was going to die laughing instead. Oh oh ohgod!” he gasped between breaths, “Can’t you just see Karen’s face???? Ohmygod! Snapping pics with her phone? Maybe sharing them with our friends? No, she’d never do that…” Finally, his laughing fit subsided and he dared to sneak a peek over at Javi, almost bursting into another fit of hilarity. “Mi Javito….okay okay. This is what happened.” He took a deep breath staring at the ceiling again, knowing if he looked at Javi he wouldn’t be able to control his giggling at Javi’s expense, “I already had this planned, so when I got your texts it was just too tempting not to answer because it gave me more time! Do you know how long it can take to handcuff yourself to a bed with a blindfold on? Of course, I’d practiced, which helped but….anyway, when you weren’t home by about 9, I decided to execute my plan…and yes, if you’d been thinking straight you would have realized that I probably could have uncuffed myself so I needed the element of surprise….ohmygod your face!” He pursed his lips determined to keep his thoughts on track. “I am a pretty good actor, aren’t I? I thought for sure when I gripped you so tightly you’d remember all the times we’ve flipped each other like that but I guess all my quaking and apparent helplessness worked. And the rest? The music, the dancing, that was easy! I’ve done it…”
Kurt saw the lightbulb go on, “Before! You’ve done it before! Moves Like Jagger! That’s what you meant by “not this time”… last time we had to do some maneuvering because I wasn’t wearing underwear….”
“And I thought of replicating all of that with different songs, but I thought it would be too obvious. I wanted to prod your memory without making it too easy. So I guess you were surprised?”
“Um yeah???? By a lot of things, pleasantly….well more than pleasantly…..I have to ask where did you learn to deepthroat like that…I mean you’re really good at it but this time….I thought you might swallow me completely…”
“Really? You really wanna know? Yes, I know you were thinking, this isn’t Kurt, Kurt would never….blah! blah! blah! But yes Javi even before you I did throw away lots of inhibitions..and that was one of them. I know what it feels like…well we don’t have to go there…but anyway I wanted to learn how, so I just trained my gag reflex,” “Oh no! Let’s go there, please I want to go there. You’ve heard lots of stories about my past and I hardly know any of yours.” Kurt gave him an exasperated look. “Anyway, as I was saying…. Remember that modern convenience called Google? Full instructions! Pretty simple really, I practiced with different sized dildos and learned how to suppress my gag reflex so I could, ya know, hold you a while afterwards….and if you plan on learning this forget about using bananas, you just end up eating them before the exercise is over.” Javi just laid there trying not to laugh himself while Kurt played with his hair, twisting the curls around his fingers and then combing it back from his forehead. Forevermore, a snapshot of Kurt shoving dildos down his throat would exist in his mind. “Sorry I’m late…I lost track of time. What was I doing? Oh, just trying to swallow some dildos.”
“Okay, but what did you mean by me “requesting” something? What did I request….and when?”
“Our first fight…don’t you…” “Well, of course I remember that! No one forgets their first fight…but what does that have to do with Moves Like Jagger? I don’t remember fighting about that…we didn’t, did we?”
“Nooooo but afterwards, after the fight, after the makeup sex….remember when you said you wanted to know what to fight about….”
“Yes! The next night so we could have makeup sex all over again…and then I said something about I wouldn’t mind another Moves Like Jagger night! Now that’s funny! You pick a couple of words said after our first argument to build a whole fantasy on for our anniversary celebration? Not that I’m complaining of course, but….”
“And that’s what I want to discuss with you…something else that happened that night that neither one of us was aware of….until now….well for me it’s been a few months….but now. Do you want to wait, I mean it’s waited this long…and I do kind of like just laying here like this..” Lovingly, he kissed the top of Javi’s head.
“Can’t we lay here like this and talk….it’s not like we’ve never done that before. And I’ve been waiting for you to say something. Do you really think I hadn’t noticed that you had something on your mind?”
Kurt’s excitement spontaneously bubbled over, “Oh good! I’ve been wanting to say something for so long, but I wanted it to be special because it’s one of those….life-changing moments…for both of us! Javi, Javi, Javi! I think I’ve found my passion….or at least the one for this period of my life! At first it seemed crazy…it wasn’t anything I’d ever thought of wanting to do with my life. But that night….remember how you showed me your notebook about me…about us?”
Javi nodded, “Si! Of course! It’s when you started keeping a notebook just like it. Go on.”
“Well, after I started keeping one, too, I was constantly reminded about the story of you and Antonio and how he learned what he’d learned…Javi, even you’ve said you’ve never seen any books or stuff on the internet that supplies this kind of information in a….complete form, I guess? And that’s even crazier than what I’m thinking…well, I think it is. Anyway, I want to write, Javi, I want to write a book about all I’ve learned from you. About building a relationship, all the way from “cake-baking” to what we did tonight! And I know I don’t have a clue about the business end of this…and I know it’s….”
Javi tightened his embrace around Kurt’s chest, pulling him down so they were at eye level. “Mi Kurtito, you know how much I love you. You’re always right here with me forever,” he tapped his heart. “What you’re saying….it sounds crazy enough to be your passion…or at least one of them. I hear it in your voice. And I can see it in your eyes. Don’t you ever talk yourself out of what you love and don’t you ever, ever let anyone else do that either. There are all kinds of things we’re going to have to discuss. Your passion can be all-consuming…and it should be really! And now that you’ve found it? Things will change again, for you, for us. But….we’ve been changing since the day we met….and one of the reasons it works is that we work at changing together, with each other.”
“Do you know that right beside music, you….you Kurtito are my passion. If you’re going to write about this, that’s right up there with cake-baking,” he laughed. “And that doesn’t mean that everyone has to think or feel the way we do about a person for them to be each other’s passion. That would make it too easy. Passion requires effort, just like anything worth having. Passion can wax and wane, but it’s always, always with you.”
So, you don’t think I’m crazy or trying to tackle something too big? You don’t think…well just because I never recognized it before now that I’m wrong? I mean I’ve been writing all my life and never….”
“Stop right there and think about what you just said, you’ve been writing all your life. You’ve been carrying around the building blocks all your life. Do you know how much I love the way you slip your descriptions and analogies into our sex life, our lovemaking? It is sooooo hot! I mean how many people would effortlessly start talking about….my body as a playground…..your hand like a teeter totter….me flapping my feathers like a flustered rooster…which I wasn’t by the way…..you do it all the time! You carry around all kinds of things that you need for your future. Like….you’ve been carrying around something that would allow you to be prepared for Blaine….and me….just waiting for the right time to be used. Doesn’t mean it’s always easy or fun to use whatever it is, but it’s there inside. Bebe, you’ve been preoccupied for months….like…I kept imagining people pacing back and forth in your mind. Turns out they have.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s one of the best ways to describe it. But…..do you remember the day I called you in LA a while back? And we had some fun with Sobrenatural?” Javi nodded with a smile. Kurt continued, “Now don’t laugh….but I was working on this idea and reading our journals…well, I got wrapped up in trying to figure out how to tell you. I didn’t want to just sit down and have a discussion. I wanted to make it memorable, like another first! And then thinking about a plan and reading about what happened that night, the whole makeup sex and after part…that’s why you got that call. I’m having some issues with focusing on the topic…um…without getting all hot and bothered. I’m working on it. I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of discipline. I mean, I can’t be texting you every time I sit down to write because the subject matter is….sort of like reading gay erotica.” Javi really did have to work at not laughing. What a delightful problem!
“Hmmmm…..now that you’ve got it all out, do you feel better, mi amor? How about if we work on some of the logistics this weekend, because you’re right, it will affect both of us in ways we probably can’t even imagine. Let’s sleep on it. And as for that huge obstacle requiring discipline, it will be a bit of a sacrifice, but until you get it under control, I’ll try to be available…to help of course.”
“Stop it!” Kurt chuckled, “I’m serious! ” Javi leaned over to kiss Kurt’s nose and run his fingers through his lovely ginger locks. “Well, so am I, Kurtito! Too much sex can be very harmful, especially phone sex. I’ve even heard it’s becoming an epidemic requiring treatment! But sleep can be very therapeutic, so why don’t we try that? And if you can’t sleep and decide to get up to write, be sure to wake me up if you need my assistance. Anything to assist in your passion, cosas calientes (hot stuff).”